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Sup , I like this app :) it’s nice whenever I wanna take a photo of something or a video or just have to have plain fun. The app is always there. I love every feature about it, but there is one thing that does bother me. this part of my review is specifically for the creators of this app. Your feature portrait is amazing one of my favorites but it’s hard to take a nice photo with portrait. I want to get a close-up or I want to get some thing far away but still get that portrait like affect. because it tells me to get closer or move far away even though it’s the opposite of what I want to do to get the photo. When you think about problems and things you wanna do to make people like the app better this probably isn’t your biggest concern but I wanted to put it out there just to see if there’s anyway my problem could be fixed, even though there is a very slim chance of that happening.
Browse, edit, and share your picture-perfect moments. Photos is the home for all of your amazing photos and videos, and it's smart and personal, with intelligent features that help you find, enjoy, and share your best shots.
As an Apple fan, it is frustrating to have to write this. The Photos widget only ever finds 1-3 (and always the same) out of 3000+ photos or 200 “recents” photos to “feature”. Also, the widget never shows memories that are curated by the “create photos memory” option. Memories can’t be made “less” except by person or date - and yet it keeps coming up with memories that I don’t want at all and have to keep deleting (the algorithm is severely limited!). And no matter how many memories are generated, the widget never shows more than a recent few - so much for being shown things from my beautiful intensely curated library. And once there is a featured photo to show, the widget will won’t show any Memories. The widget also has long ago been switched to giant text captions which can’t be deleted (and I’m tired of having to edit everything all the time) and absolutely ruins the “beauty” Apple keeps selling in their “wow-look what we did” product announcements. And the people curation on iOS hasn’t found anyone in over a year (empty) and then suddenly last week found (only) two people (out of 3000+ photos) - and then it stopped. Useless. And this is a problem reported by many people as evidenced in many online discussions and yet never solved by Apple support personnel involved in those discussions and never in the bug fix releases either. Very disappointing Apple!
Ur mother 123.